Re: play next track

Ok, that's really weird. Is your app available somewhere?
Well I am still working on it (half working) and it is for Sailfish OS
(jolla phones and various ports). Don't know if it helps finding the
Mh, since I don't own a supported phone (there's still no proper 
for the N9, I assume?) probably not. Since I assume it's Qt, are you 
HUPnP as your client library?

Found something else, I always test with a certain album and I never
noticed but the output of rygel shows:

Entity: line 1: parser error : xmlParseEntityRef: no name
</upnp:artist><upnp:album>Digital Nation - Mix CD</upnp:album><upnp:genre>Drum &
So either the content server (minidlna) or the library my app uses
(lipupnpp) creates erroneous xml. If I use another album the
NextAVTransportURI field becomes populated and it appears to work.

But if the erroneous xml causes the uri to be not accepted why does
the first track (same album) starts playing?
Also odd. But at least I could reproduce this, because Rygel is also 
guilty of not
escaping properly:

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