[sabayon] Sabayon + LDAP on REHL5

Hi all,

After configuring an RHEL5 server to authenticate users against an LDAP directory, it is no longer possible to log into X using an LDAP based user. A normal passwd based user works fine.
Xwindows dies immediately at login with the following message:

localuser:minfrin being added to access control list
No profile for user 'minfrin' found

Apparently this is a sabayon message.

By default, RHEL5 ships with an /etc/desktop-profiles/ directory, but this directory is empty. I am not sure if this breaks sabayon or not.
Digging further, sabayon seems to support an entry in the /etc/pam.d 
directory, which includes a file called "config-auth". I suspect that 
the pam setup might be wrong, but sabayon's use of pam doesn't seem to 
be documented anywhere.
Does anyone know what steps you need to do to get rid of the message above?


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