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The Safety and Privacy team's goal is to ensure that GNOME is safe to use by the general population: that your privacy is respected, that software does things only with your consent, that you are in control of your data and your computer.

By Thread

2018    May     Nov 
2017Jan    Jun   Oct  
2016  Mar         
2015Jan  Apr Jun      
2014         OctNov 

By Date

2018    May     Nov 
2017Jan    Jun   Oct  
2016  Mar         
2015Jan  Apr Jun      
2014         OctNov 

By Author

2018    May     Nov 
2017Jan    Jun   Oct  
2016  Mar         
2015Jan  Apr Jun      
2014         OctNov 


2018    1.58K     4.29K 
20171.49K    1.63K   1.79K  
2016  2.34K         
20152.72K  1.56K 4.88K      
2014         35.9K9.23K