Re: debian etch upgrade broke the menu


rep is looking for files in /usr/lib/rep/i486-pc-linux-gnu, but sawfish and keeps their files in i386-pc-linux-gnu
I guess rep got compiled with the wrong directory setting?

Since rep doesn't print where on earth it's looking, it might actually be looking in /usr/lib/rep/0.17/i486-pc-linux-gnu
So ... I:
moved all files from rep/i486-pc-linux into rep/0.17/i486-pc-linux deleted rep/i486-pc-linux
symlinked rep/0.17/i486-pc-linux to rep/i486-pc-linux
symlinked rep/i386-pc-linux/* to rep/0.17/i486-pc-linux/*

This worked fine on my laptop (sawfish restart, possibly logout/login if using gnome environment required), but hasn't been tested on my work machine.
It's a hack, but I have no time to do it properly. Also, I run debian 
testing, so I ran into the problem a while after you did.


P.S. "File error: 66, 114, 111, 107, 101, 110, 32, 112, 105, 112, 101" helpfully translates into "Broken pipe" :)
Josh Babcock wrote:
One of the recent upgrades from the debian etch repository just broke
some stuff in sawfish. Unfortunately I don't know which upgrade it was,
since I didn't catch it fast enough. I wouldn't even know where to roll
back my pages to to get it working. Here's what's happening:

Sawfish starts just fine, but the menus won't come up. Other mouse
bindings work just fine. Also, if I try to run sawfish-ui I get this:

*** File error: No such file or directory, gui/gtk-2/gtk

The standard out looks like this:

tower:~$ cat .sawfish.errors
File error: No such file or directory, xmms/remote
File error: 66, 114, 111, 107, 101, 110, 32, 112, 105, 112, 101
File error: 66, 114, 111, 107, 101, 110, 32, 112, 105, 112, 101
File error: 66, 114, 111, 107, 101, 110, 32, 112, 105, 112, 101

The last three lines are generated each time I double click for the
first time on button 0, 1 and 2. They are only generated the first time
I double click, subsequent clicks produce no errors.

I suspect that it is some sort of path problem, but that's all I can
come up with. Anyone have any ideas?


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