Re: [README] Proposed list of new default keybindings

Timo Korvola iki fi (2009-02-13 at 0025.27 +0200):
> As there seems to be some confusion about it (c.f. KEYBINDINGS), I'll
> remind that "S-" stands for shift and "M-" for meta in Sawfish event
> names.  Because PC keyboards don't have a meta key, alt is often
> xmodmapped to work as meta.  Alt is denoted "A-" if you have separate
> meta and alt modifiers.  Also, ISO_Left_Tab is usually S-TAB.  It
> means tab to the left.  There is no keysym ISO_Right_Tab.

I already mentioned it a bit in the other mail, but based in memory,
so I went and looked it in source, src/keys.c:

 650 static struct key_def default_mods[] = {
 651     { "S",        ShiftMask },
 652     { "Shift",    ShiftMask },
 653     { "C",        ControlMask },
 654     { "Control",  ControlMask },
 655     { "M",        EV_MOD_META },
 656     { "Meta",     EV_MOD_META },
 657     { "A",        EV_MOD_ALT },
 658     { "Alt",      EV_MOD_ALT },
 659     { "H",        EV_MOD_HYPER },
 660     { "Hyper",    EV_MOD_HYPER },
 661     { "Super",    EV_MOD_SUPER },
 662     { "W",        EV_MOD_WM },
 663     { "Mod1",     Mod1Mask },
 664     { "Mod2",     Mod2Mask },
 665     { "Mod3",     Mod3Mask },
 666     { "Mod4",     Mod4Mask },
 667     { "Mod5",     Mod5Mask },
 668     { "Button1",  Button1Mask },
 669     { "Button2",  Button2Mask },
 670     { "Button3",  Button3Mask },
 671     { "Button4",  Button4Mask },
 672     { "Button5",  Button5Mask },
 673     { "Button6",  Button6Mask },
 674     { "Button7",  Button7Mask },
 675     { "Button8",  Button8Mask },
 676     { "Button9",  Button9Mask },
 677     { "Any",      EV_MOD_ANY },
 678     { "Release",  EV_MOD_RELEASE },
 679     { 0, 0 }
 680 };


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