Re: Some stuff to discuss about

Hi, Daniel.

On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 17:39:35 -0700, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
> I've been using sawfish for at least 6-7 years and still never knew
> what "matched windows" are :)

Oh, you *must* have a look! There, you can specify window size,
positions, which frame it should have, etc, etc.

To use it, first push "add" button. Then a new window appears. In left
column pull down, choose as a first try "Name". Then push "grab" and
select a window. Let's assume it's "emacs localhost". From now on,
every window with the name "emacs localhost" obeys the rules you
specify there, sizes, position, etc.

I thought you really understands Sawfish very well, but alas, it *is*
the lack of doc in Sawfish.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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