Re: [README] Edge-Actions for while moving

On Tue, 9 Nov 2010 23:57:11 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> I added support to EA for while-moving functions

Most people who use ID / EF prefer them "automatically", i.e. 
while-moving is enabled too.
(ID dragging is great. Oh, now "VD".)

I think you said before that they were not necessary; simply edge
functions support "while-moving", and that'd be enough. Though I
didn't reply, I thought so too.

> is anyone testing the edge-actions and tabs-ng branches
> [...]
> Some testing and comments on what could be improved is highly
> appriciated.

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 19:45:57 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> I'm shocked that it seems no-one else is testing those branches.
> (Except Teika I guess) :O

I know master+edge builded successfully ten days ago, but have not
tested. It's because the configuration syntax seems to be changing
frequently. (And I've got less time these days.) So, wait until Chris
declares "it's almost stable." ;)

Teika (Teika kazura)

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