Re: Dark-Tab theme modifications


On Wed, 1 Sep 2010 09:21:27 +0200
wrote Janek Kozicki <janek_listy wp pl>:

>> >- (maybe fix "overlapping" bug)
>> i can't reproduces this ...
>hmm, strange. Maybe I have some binding wrong, it happens due to
>raising one window in the tab group, but not the others. And I'm
>doing it by left clicking on their titles or on the window.

Only one window raising in the tab group is not possible.
If you use tab themes you should set:

sawfish-config -> Miscellaneous -> Stacking
When raising a window, also raise its: group

without that your tabframe get "overlapping".

I try to explain why. If you opens four windows, window one two three
and four and you put window one and four in a tab-window/group. Window
two and three are in the "hierarchy" higher as window one and over-draw
the tabframe from window one and you get the "overlapping". It can only
work with the settings described above.


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