Re: seahorse-nautilus does not add Decrypt entry in Nautilus contextual menu

Indeed i can see the "Open with Decrypt File" now

$ xdg-mime query filetype /path/to/pgp-file.pgp
xdg-mime: file '/path/to/pgp-file.pgp' does not exist

Sorry for the inconvenience :-/

Thank you for your answer


2012/10/22 Stef Walter <stefw gnome org>:
> On 10/21/2012 02:15 AM, thibaut bethune wrote:
>> I didn't get any answer to my problem : maybe should i fill a bug
>> report on GNOME Bugzilla ?
> Sure.
>> 2012/10/6 thibaut bethune <thibaut bethune gmail com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm running a fresh Debian Sid (GNOME 3.4) and i've installed
>>> seahorse-nautilus 3.4 from sources.
>>> Nautilus shows the Encrypt option in its contextual menu but it
>>> doesn't show any Decrypt entry for the gpg file that has just been
>>> created.
> Odd, it should show it at the top like this:
> Open with Decrypt File
> I just tried it on Fedora 18 and can see the menu item.
> What does this output on your system?
> xdg-mime query filetype /path/to/pgp-file.pgp
> Cheers,
> Stef

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