Re: StorageStore

Absolutely. In the future feel free to commit now, and if we end up changing our minds about something we can just make changes.

On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 3:48PM -0800, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
As you may have noticed I committed in cvs some work on the StorageStore
object. It's still out of the build though and I didnt commit the
necessary changes to StorageItem.
Current implementation pass the test (apart writing on the blob, I cant
build the vfs module because of API changes).
If it's ok I'd like to commit this and then fix translators to use the
new api.
The changes are mostly a reorganization of the old code, I didnt have to
write much myself. It seem to work out of the box in rh9 (once you
created an user and run the script).

Can I go ahead and commit ?


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