[Setup-tool-hackers] Re: GNOME System Tools 0.29.0 "Where's myhack??" is out!


What about the earlier question about whether we can take the tools
separately? I'd be in favor of including the network and time tools for
sure, the users tool is maybe on the borderline (seems somewhat
admin-oriented), the "services" and "boot loader" tools don't seem to be
in the "charter" of GNOME (they seem like technical/geek tools only, not
end user desktop tools). Though I could imagine tools with some of the
same functionality that would be end user oriented.

One note about the tools, they need the "de-branding" we did around
2.0/2.2 for the rest of the desktop (basically the title of the windows
should be "Mouse Preferences" rather than "GNOME Mouse Preferences").
redhat-config-* also follow this rule.

Interestingly, we have a "System Tools" menu but it does not contain the
equivalent of GNOME System Tools, which are in "System Settings"; this
should probably be fixed up.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@lists.ximian.com

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