Re: [tasque-list] RTM failed to get task list

On 03/13/2009 04:28 AM, Adam Monsen wrote:
Tasque == Rad. Thank you for this awesome tool!

I'm using tasque Version: 0.1.6-1ubuntu1 (came with Ubuntu 8.10). When I
try to use RememberTheMilk, I'm unable to fetch existing tasks. Adding
new tasks works as expected.

I notice the following in the debug log:

[Debug]: Exception calling TasksGetList(list.ListID) unexpected end of
file in an attribute value  Line 11, position 3350.
[Debug]: Exception calling TasksGetList(list.ListID) expected '>' (3E)
but found 'EOF' (FFFFFFFF)  Line 4, position 9175.
[Debug]: Exception calling TasksGetList(list.ListID) Expected =, but
found EOF [-1]  Line 10, position 3589.
This is a known bug, fixed in Tasque 0.1.8.

I tried building from SVN, but I ran out of steam at this point:
$ ./ --prefix=$HOME/dist/tasque-dev --enable-backend-rtm
You need to install gnome-common from the GNOME CVS
You actually just need to install the gnome-common package.

I also tried rebuilding 0.1.8 from the next Ubuntu release, but I got
"Unmet build dependencies: mono-devel (>= 2.0) libgnome2.24-cil".
I don't think we really have those high of dependencies.  I don't 
understand why people do that when they package.  You're better off 
building from the 0.1.8 tarball yourself (or from SVN).
You'll be well on your way if you run `sudo apt-get build-dep tasque`. 
It should get you all the dependencies that were needed to build Tasque 
0.1.6.  Also make sure you have installed the build-essential package, 
If you have any questions or problems with this, let me know, we'll help 
you get this going.  :-)  You can reply here or join us in #tasque on 

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