Re: [Tracker] Upcomming API review

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
I did a review of the upcomming API and I generally find it really good. I have a few comments/questions though... - This is not a real critique, just loose ramblings :-)

Great - all constructive criticism is most welcome!

Search interface:
- I must admit I don't quite grok the Query method. It looks like powerful stuff, and is prolly just a documentation problem (or lack of braincells on my behalf)

okay this is a combination of text and query search. You can use it for example in a search GUI for advanced searches when you have an existing search term and want to filter it down using an rdf query. Of course you can also use it as before without a search term.

Some new parameters include fields for listing any additonal metadata fields you want with the result. EG you could specify File.Format and File.Size here and the variant result (should be a dict structure in Python) would return " Service Category, Mime Type, File size" with URI as the key for the dict.

Files interface:
 - Why would developers want to create a file at a specific size?
- What is the advantages of creating files through tracker? To handle mime-stuff?

Nope. Tracker does not create/delete files on disk - this interface is for telling tracker *about* files that it does not automatically crawl.

So "create" creates an entry in Tracker's DB for the file including its size, mime type etc (it automatically works out the correct service to apply to it). This is needed for telling tracker about files its not watching or VFS files which tracker cannot see but whose results you would like to see in a tracker search or to store metadata against.

File signals:
- There has been a lot of wishes for recursive watches with inotify but rlove has denied any patches. It does not look like Tracker can give recursive watches in this API - perhaps it will be a welcome addition?

There are no watches! Tracker simply relays file change signals for any file change event that it itself is watching. So if Tracker is recursively watching your home folder then those signals will only come from file changes in your home folder or below.

The signals split up path and file name so you can use dbus match rules to only receive signals on a certain directory if you want. I dont know if Python's dbus interface exposes match rules though?

Playlist interface:
- Perhaps this interface can be replaced by a general list of first class objects? Maybe this is actually just a special form of tagging...

Playlists are first class objects cause they will have metadata against them (like name, playcount, lastplay etc). They will also be smart so you can define an rdf query to use for creating virtual playlists (like say all 90's music)

Im gonna punt the playlists and Music interfaces for now because I need to get *live* queries working first. I expect this in Tracker +1 rather than next version because its been a while since my last release and Im aiming to finish up the work today for the next release and get it in cvs asap.

Im not sure whether to use a subscriber interface for live queries (using a dedicated P2P Dbus socket/ DbusServer) or to use the session bus. The latter would spam all query changes - decisions, decisions, decisions...

Can the Python's Dbus bindings make use of P2P dbus interfaces?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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