[Tracker] Next version of Tracker now in cvs - needs testing!

Hi tracker fans,

The next version of tracker is now ready in cvs but as I have made quite a large no of changes to the underlying DB it could do with so more testing before I formally release it.
see :

for more details.

You will need an upgraded embedded mysql library libmysqld.a verison 5.0.19 or higher in order to compile (your existing one will not do!).
Debian/Ubuntu users can find this upgraded package in libmysqlclient-15dev

(I am installing FC5 to see if the mysqlclient rpm has it?)

The new version is not compatible with your existing DB so it will rebuild it from scratch (IE it will re-index everything). Please check it does this automatically (and only does it once!)
The tracker-introspect file in this version is not accurate as it 
represents the next version of Tracker (so use your old one if you need 
to use the DBus interface!).
Mr Jamie McCracken

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