Re: [Tracker] html_filter generate a extra file

Le dimanche 12 novembre 2006 Ã 18:33 +0000, Jamie McCracken a Ãcrit :
Carles Briansà wrote:
The html_filter generate a extra file that contains a tags of the
original file.


I save a file named debian.html in home directory
Then the trackerd detect and added correctly
Later in the directory of debian.html, have a debian_t.txt that contain
a tags of debian.html file.

I see that the file is generated by htmless program.

okay I will investigate (htmless is not my code)
I wonder if we should replace htmless by an internet browser in text
mode like links or w3m. Htmless does not seem to know é (which
should be replaced by 'Ã') for instance and seems to not treat UTF-8.
With links, accentuated characters like 'Ã' become ''e' but I saw it to
work correctly with UTF-8 files and not with ISO-8859-1 files.
With w3m the extracted text is in UTF8 and there are not things like
é, à, etc.


Attachment: html_filter
Description: application/shellscript

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