Re: [Tracker] trackerd consumes over 6 MB of RAM

On 11/16/06/11/06 00:21 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
this is another area we really beat Beagle too and a lot of other indexers - disk usage.
less than 70MB including full text for 200GB is excellent!
hmm. on my system tracker uses quite some more diskspace, and I have not more than 30Gb indexed:
eyal timmy ~ $ du -hs .Tracker/
95M     .Tracker/

eyal timmy ~ $ tracker-stats
-------fetching index stats---------
Videos : 23
Music : 1085
Development Files : 3030
Images : 5075
Text Files : 5155
Folders : 6517
Documents : 8111
Other Files : 16701
Total files indexed : 45697

is that ok?


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