Re: [Tracker] Text extraction on text formats

Il giorno ven, 17/11/2006 alle 15.04 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha
Le vendredi 17 novembre 2006 Ã 15:00 +0100, Luca Ferretti a Ãcrit :
Il giorno gio, 16/11/2006 alle 22.53 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha
Questo ?? un semplice esempio delle potenzialit?? di OO.o
         ^^ it was "Ã"                          ^^ it was Ã

A question: what is encoding of this string? UTF8, ISO-something,
Win-something, etc.? Now, I can see that with libGSF and a RTF file:
Dunno. I simply wrote in OO.o (Italian locale). It should be UTF-8. 

But are you asking about the original ODT or the exported RTF?
Both... But I saw the same problem on some of my DOC files with
different encodings.

  content.xml -> encoding="UTF-8"
  meta.xml    -> encoding="UTF-8"

  gedit says it's UTF-8 (any command line tool to check it? iconv is
  used to change encoding, not to check)

Now, two questions:
1) if the RTF file is encoded ad UTF-8, why escaping non ASCII? Is it an
OO.o bug?

2) Let's assume that escaping is better for portability, the "Ã"
character is escaped with "?" (line 11: "altro non ? che"), "\u232
\'3f" (line 11: "altro non \u232\'3f che") and finally "\uc2 \u232\'c3
\'a8\uc1" (line 15: "Questo \uc2 \u232\'c3\'a8\uc1  un semplice")   X-|

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