Re: [Tracker] Tracker hanging on unrecognized files: suggested fix

On 11/16/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
> I ran into a similar problem with another type of application file (MYOB
> to be precise) with a .pls extension which Tracker misinterpreted as a
> video file and hung on, trying to extract non-existant metadata from it.

this is a problem from XDGMime which sometimes misreads other binary
files as video (nautilus does too sometimes)

we will probably include a safety check to make sure a known video
extension (mpg/mpeg/avi/mov etc) is present before trying to extract
Hopefully such a check should be noted as a temporary hack, until such
a time that XDGMine is fixed. It's not an elegant solution. Anyone
filed the bug already?

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