Re: [Tracker] Some observations about tracker 0.5.2

tpgww onepost net wrote:
Hello all,

I very much welcome tracker, and look forward to seeing it grow (not so much literally, I hope!). After using 
it for a while, and exploring the code a bit, I have some thoughts to pass back to the dev's.

1. In keeping with the FD.O spirit, trackerd's configuration and "index" data might be moved from ~/.Tracker 
to locations in accord with Those places can readily be determined by 
g_get_user_config_dir() and its siblings. I assume it's practical to amend Makefile to move existing data to new places 
when upgrade happens.


2. If trackerd's initial data-trawl is interrupted, it seems that a full scan will not be completed unless 
the user manually deletes the database. Restarting trackerd after interruption just produces quite a few:
File /home/whome/tmp/Tracker-whome.10995/sqlite3-base/cache-journal has finished changing
Warning - file /home/whome/tmp/Tracker-whome.10995/sqlite3-base/cache-journal no longer exists - abandoning 
index on this file
why are you indexing the tmp direcotry? Of course files in there will 
dissapear during indexing and hence you will get a ton of these 
messages. (its obviously pointless indexing tmp too and tracker creates 
a whole load of files in tmp which could cause endless indexinging too)
I guess I should make sure tracker never indexes the designated tmp 
directory especially in the unusual case of having it in your home 
directory (as in your case)
It would be nicer to have a completion flag, and where appropriate, an offer to restart indexing, or better, 
to resume from where interrupted.
At the moment we give priority to indexing directories first so that we 
watch them asap.
I guess we should really only index the directory once all the file sin 
it are indexed
will need to think about doing that

3. If trackerd is not interrupted, as the indexing gets further advanced I increasingly get blocks of 
back-to-back messages of the types listed in 2 above. Eventually they greatly-outnumber messages about data 
actually being processed. Is there some inotify-related optimisation needed there ?

cause is specified above

4. The torrent of information produced when trackerd first indexes your data is useful for debugging, but it should be made 
optional now that tracker is going out into the wider community. The various levels of debug messages should all (or maybe, all 
except critical warnings) be tied to the "--enable-debug" configure option. If you must, debug mode could default to 
on, with a related "--disable-debug".

we already do this - we have --enable-debug option to provide more 
verbose output
trackerd by default should be invisible to end users (IE most will not 
manually run it in a terminal)
5. CVS includes several python files that don't appear in the release. Is there a problem with them ?

they are experimental additions

probably should add them to Make Dist

6. I haven't been able to find a systematic approach to running rdf queries, not even a default-search-path 
for rdf scripts. Does anyone know of a tool to facilitate script creation ?

on the agenda

7. For the future - the command-line utilities which interrogate index data must continue to support 
specification of search parameters in as much detail as for any GUI, e.g. and, or, not, phrase, anycase ... 
Probably, GOption will have to be sacrificed.

we would like to keep goption

8. I understand that inclusion in gnome will require improved documentation. Some hints:
 - some of the command-line utilities don't support a --help parameter
 - Baptiste's initial manpage contributions need to be updated
 - tracker-search-tool and tracker-tag have no manpage

yes patches welcome for this

9. A while back there was some chatter about a replacement icon. Has anything been done ? If not, maybe the 
attached will start that ball rolling.
hehe I like the use of railway tracks!
But I prefer the tango magnifying glass

10. Closer alliance with gnome has some important benefits, but please try to keep tracker's essential 
DE-independence in front of packagers at least, so that users of xfce and the like (not to forget KDE users 
now that kat seems to be dead) are not dissuaded.

this should not be a problem. The recent patch for should 
help alleviate these


thanks for the feedback!
Mr Jamie McCracken

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