Re: [Tracker] fd.o compliant thumbnailing

On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 18:57 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Edward Duffy wrote:
I know this isn't a high priority item, but here's a patch that makes
tracker's thumbnail support follow the fd.o spec.  It uses the
$HOME/.thumbnails directory, so it'll work along side nautilus,
thundar, and konq.  It will not overwrite up-to-date thumbnails, but
the File.SmallThumbnailPath metadata item will be filled in correctly.

Currently, it only works for "normal" size, or 128x128, thumbnails.
This is because tracker defines "large" as 640x640 while fd.o spec
defines it as only 256x256.  Maybe we could create a new directory,
called "preview", for these extra-large thumbnails.

The patch also removes the hard-coded disabling of thumbnails, so
you'll be able to enable it via the EnableThumbnails key in
tracker.cfg.  If everything is working right, nautilus should start
showing thumbnails for your OO.o documents (currently the only
thumbnail generator we have, that nautilus doesn't).

Also, this puts a hard dependancy on libpng.  It's needed because the
file's URI and MTime need to be embeded in the thumbnail file so it
can be tested for validity.  I doubt this should be a problem though.

Great work!

now added with a few minor changes.

We only extract a 128x128 so I have disabled the big thumb for now

Im not sure if we need a command line option for thumbnailing. I have 
not tested it fully as I cant seem to persuade it to thumbnail but then 
again maybe its because my thumbs are up to date!

please check cvs (update with new directories from cvs) properly thumbnails
This is if you submit one more nice patch like this one, we
will support you getting direct cvs access to this project.


Jon Phillips

San Francisco, CA
USA PH 510.499.0894
jon rejon org

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