Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] Debian packaging and some general remarks

Michael Biebl wrote:
Hi all,

after having used tracker for some days now, I decided that it would
be a valuable addition to Debian and I'm going to package and maintain
it as a Debian Developer. As you probably know, we are currently
nearing the etch release, and the full freeze for etch is coming soon.
So I can't promise that tracker will make it into etch as the upload
to the archive has to be approved by our ftp-masters.

That aside, I've taken a cursory look at the package and found some
issues. The most important one is, that the debian/ directory should
not be shipped in the Debian tarball. I prepared a couple of patches,
which contain a comment at the beginning of each file. So I won't
repeat them here. They are mostly fixes to make "make distcheck" work,
which obviously should always be run before making new release.
Please review and apply.

Issue I noticed that are not addressed by the patches:
1.) Missing copyright statements.
There are a bunch of *.c and *.h files which are missing a copyright
and license statement. Mostly in src/libstemmer/,  and e.g.
tracker-db-sqlite.c. Please add a copyright statement including an
email address where appropriate. Best would be if the
license/copyright header would be somewhat consistent among the files.
Can you also please tell me the author of the sqlite code.

2.) Usage of INCLUDES in
The usage of INCLUDES is not encouraged anymore [1]. Preprocessor
flags like -I or -D should be specified using AM_CPPFLAGS, compiler
flags like -Wall should be specified using AM_CFLAGS, and linker flags
like -static should be set using AM_LDFLAGS.
The Makefile.amS should be cleaned up in that regard.

3.) library versioning
It seems as 3rd party apps start using tracker. I dunno if 3rd party
apps are supposed to only use the D-Bus interface or directly link
against libtrackerclient. If the latter, it would make sense to
consider to use libtools library versioning, given that the API has
reached a
somewhat stable state already. Please read [2] for more information or
ask if you need more information.

1,2 (although we still use includes) and 3 have all be done in CVS 
(please check)
in addition have added license/copyright info to all files that had this 
+ all the changes you mentioned on IRC (using libdata dir instead of 
datadir for executable scripts)
If I have missed anything please let me know or send patches.

I hope thats sufficient for you to build the official debs.


Mr Jamie McCracken

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