Re: [Tracker] XMP sidecar files (newbie alert)

On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 11:01 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Jon Phillips wrote:

Any thoughts, or am I better off waiting for beagle to update it's filter code?
it would require significant changes to support that so its unlikely in 
the short term.
Yes, this would be a major feature that myself and Creative Commons
would be very supportive of...we are promoting the use of XMP for
embedded and companion file metadata. It would be excellent to be able
to both import, export and have this sidecar concept for this type of
project so moving data around is not a lossy endeavour from filesystem
to filesystem.

we will support it at some point. FWIW we need a way to back up and make 
mobile our user defined metadata in our database anyhow so sidecar may 
well be a format we use for this. there a wiki and/or place where this can be fleshed out...I
really want to make the push for using XMP for this.


Jon Phillips

San Francisco, CA
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jon rejon org

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