Re: [Tracker] Feedback for 0.5.0

On 21 Oct 2006, at 17:35, Laurent Aguerreche wrote:

Le samedi 21 octobre 2006 à 10:44 +0100, Erlend Davidson a écrit :
On 19 Oct 2006, at 21:24, Christoffer Sørensen wrote:


I saw that 0.5.0 was released and gave it a go on my laptop (T23).


+ looks clean and simple

The window needs to be a bit wider because the search field is too

I gave it a test run by searching for "Files".

It returned three results. The next button should have been grayed out
because there were no more results for that query.

The search returned a pdf document but I think I saw that pdf was not
supported when I ran configure?

The "Files" category is not easily understandable by a new user. What
is the difference between "Files" and the other categories?

The search tool also need some kind of status of the tracker daemon.
Like "how many of my files am I able to search now?"

The indexing of my files used a lot of CPU but I don't know if it
is a problem.
I find searching sometimes uses a lot of CPU... and sometimes takes a
while using the interface.
Hum... Are you using an up to date tracker from CVS? Some days ago,
issues with not-correctly-handled symlinks were still present...

Also, I take it inotify is standard in tracker now, if so why does it
need to do a full index every day?  I thought the idea of inotify was
to watch creation/modification of files in realtime so the index is
always up to date?
You're right but Inotify can't watch as many files as we would like...
It is limited in number of files. I think we have to wait for another
system in Linux.
I thought one of the main advantages of inotify over dnotify was that there wasn't a limit? Does tracker just use inotify for just the first few files monitored and then re-run the indexer when the limit is reached? Is this how beagle uses inotify?
I notice tracker uses fam as well as inotify.  Is this to try and get  
around the inotify limit?


Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck on getting it into  

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