Re: [Tracker] [Patch] Correct locales support

Laurent Aguerreche wrote:
This is the patch.

* many g_filename_to_utf8() or g_locale_to_utf8() added;
* setlocale(LC_ALL, "") added to get a working g_get_charset() in any
* some g_utf8_validate() removed when g_locale_to_utf8() or
g_filename_to_utf8() need to be called;
* some code refactoring in clients;
* some headers removed or added in clients...;
* realpath(path,NULL) instead of realpath(path,tmp) in clients because
some systems are not limited with deep of directories. NULL handling is
a GNU extension.
* in tracker-extract.c, there were lines like:
   EXTRACTOR_removeEmptyKeywords (keywords);
  but this function modify keywords list and send a new one! So it needs
to be use that way:
   keywords = EXTRACTOR_removeEmptyKeywords (keywords);
* stat() => g_stat(), lstat() => g_lstat()
* some tests removed:

char **foo;
for (foo = bar; *foo; foo++) {
   if (*foo) {   /* it is always true... */
Thanks have now applied in full with Changelog

Now Tracker seems to fully work on non UTF-8 systems but FAM backend has
some problems:
- let it index and all your files and extract metadata;
- then do something like:
  $ echo 'foo' > bar
- fam_callback() is called but I can only see plenty of lines:

tracker_exec_sql failed: Table 'tmpfiles' already exists [Call
tracker_exec_sql failed: Table 'tmpfiles' already exists [Call
tracker_exec_sql failed: Table 'tmpfiles' already exists [Call

This should now be fixed in CVS (haven't has time to test this though)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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