Re: [Tracker] Tracker bug

On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 11:08 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Chris Lord wrote:
well it seems to be working on my machine


also check top of log file to see it set no watch directories correctly:

Initialising tracker...
setting no watch directory /home/jamie/nowatch3
setting no watch directory /home/jamie/nowatch2
setting no watch directory /home/jamie/nowatch1
DB initialised - embedded mysql version is 50022

anyone else having problems with no watch in CVS?
When you test this, do you have anything in these directories? Try
putting some files and subdirectories in there if not?

I have lots of file there and subdirectories too

I also check with tracker-search that nothing is picked up there after 
indexing as well as looking in the log file

can you send me the log file so I can have a look?
Argh, my bad, I was still running tracker 0.4 - The debian packaging in
CVS creates debs with a different name (which I failed to notice), but
it also creates debs with no files in them... Might be a nice idea to
remove this packaging so people can use their own non-broken
packaging ;)


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