Re: [Tracker] Tracker to do list

Are live queries on the to do list? It would be a nice thing to have,
since the Beagle guys are flaunting about live query support with
their flash demos... :-) When do you think these will be ready?


On 9/7/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Im posting some to do items in case any of you lot have some spare time
and want to use it hacking on tracker and help speed up development :)


1) We need man pages for a lot of the tracker command line tools

2) I have some web pages designed by Peter Vander Klippe (thanks very

I have modded the colours and added some content and tango icons but
still needs finishing off and fixing. Contact me for a copy of the website.

You can see the website at:


Rhythmbox has some nice python plugin extensions for getting cover art
and lyrics for songs. It would be cool if we could modify these so
tracker can get this stuff too automatically when files are indexed.

Tracker does not and cannot use python directly but it can of course
call and spawn stand-alone programs written in any language.

So two command line apps in python that take a no of parameters in (not
sure which but could be artist, album and title?) and the final paramter
should be the filename to store the lyrics or cover album png in (all of
which tracker will supply)

C programming:

To pave the way for email indexing we will need  mail/mbox handling

Suggest use GMime
more info at and tutorial at

We will need utility functions to :

1) parse entire mbox file - extracting message ID and all other fields
into a GHashTable.

2) As (1) but parse only new mails (given a file offset of the last
known email). All new mails are always appended to an mbox file.

3) work out whether a mail is marked as deleted or junk (evo and
thunderbird use different flags in the email headers to determine this -
google for the exact flags)

4) Extract plain text (we have an html filter in tracker already for html)

5) extract and decode mime attachments

All the above should be easy to implement using GMime.

Let me know if any of you plan on doing any of the above.

Mr Jamie McCracken

tracker-list mailing list
tracker-list gnome org

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