Re: [Tracker] Tracker's GUI in C

Jaime Frutos Morales wrote:
I have created a first prototype of what the C GUI could look like.
This is JUST an initial prototype made with simplicity and the Gnome
module inclusion date in mind (we can add more features after the
basic ones work).

Is it TOO simple? I'm looking forward to reading your opinions.
I already had attached in mind (FWIW its similar but a bit more powerful)

Also it needs to be different to nautilus-search (and more useful hence the division of search results into services by tab)
I will probably need to tinker with the search dbus api to get counts.

The bottom box is for displaying matching text and possibly metadata/tags as well for the selected search result. (will need to expand on that)
What do people think?

Mr Jamie McCracken

Description: application/glade

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