Re: [Tracker] Simplifying DBus interface

Le lundi 11 septembre 2006 Ã 19:38 +0100, Jamie McCracken a Ãcrit :
The idea i had was that we could provide frontend libraries (python ,
c, etc) that build the right SQL queries client side, and send it
through one DBus function, instead of multiple DBus functions that
build queries server side; however, i'm not sure it would add any
advantages except for the simpler DBus interface, and could very well
be harder to code (since we'd have to write sql building code for
languages we need to support).
Almost all of the methods call a Stored procedure and do not build up 
queries. SPs are way faster than building queries because they are 
already compiled and optimised to bytecode and need no parsing like sql.

The only benefit would be to allow querying of stuff not supported by 
the dbus interfaces. (still handy to have mind you)
But you'll have to ensure that all queries won't "corrupt" DB and you
will expose how DB is architected internally...


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