Re: [Tracker] Query with more than 3 metadata fields

Fabien VALLON wrote:

When I do :
tracker-query ~/tmp/1.rdfq Audio.Artist Audio.Album Audio.Genre Audio.Bitrate
tracker-query ~/tmp/1.rdfq Audio.Artist Audio.Album Audio.Genre Audio.TrackNo
I still don't have the last field
It seems that it is is limited to 3 fields.
No more likely the field on the end does not have a value for any of the 
matched music files
heres a test using 7 fields:

jamie DemonMachine:~/Hacking/tracker/rdf-query-examples $ tracker-query 90s-music.rdf File.Size Audio.Title Audio.Artist Audio.Album Audio.Genre Audio.Duration File.Permissions
got 1 values

Music, 3109326, Gotta get out of this place, Animals,  , Pop,  , -rw-rw-rw-,

note that fields that dont have a value are returned as an empty string so above sample has no value set for Audio.Album and Audio.Duration.

Mr Jamie McCracken

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