Re: [Tracker] conversation (pidgin) results

2007/8/14, Marcus Fritzsch <fritschy googlemail com>:
On 8/14/07, jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 16:30 +0200, Marcus Fritzsch wrote:
On 8/14/07, yelo_3 <yelo_3 yahoo it> wrote:
Don't you think that conversation results can be more user friendly?
Instead of displaying the filename which is not exhaustive, a brief summary of the buddy name and the 
date is really better.
What do you think?
I did this in the new deskbar patches (try searching for deskbar on
the recent ML posts ;)).

Jamie, may I add some logfilename-parsing stuff to t-s-t (i.e. only
display different and marked up results)? basically it's one regex and
than some more low level parsing/splitting, it worked so far for all
logs I have here (jabber, irc and icq) and should do with others as
purple logs are pretty consistent.

On the other hand, will conversation indexing be defined and supported
by XESAM? It would not make much sense implement that now and than
throw it away ;).

well xesam wont be in time for gutsy so yes feel free (I dont know if xesam will cover this tbh)
OK, than. Although I am no metadata evangelist I really look forward to XESAM ;)

Yes, conversation (chatlog, email, etc) metadata will be supported by
the xesam spec.


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