Re: [Tracker] Indexers comparison

Il giorno mer, 17/01/2007 alle 11.15 +0000, Michal Pryc ha scritto:

I am sending *small* comparison of the indexers. This might start some 
discussion on many aspects of the indexing tools, to get better ones.
This is a really good job, thank you so much.

In the future it would be nice to see common search query standard, a 
lot of work have been done on it so far, but also common plugins for 
indexing would increase number of supported formats significantly, so we 
have plenty of work to do :-)
BTW, could you put somewhere the test data set? It's about 830 MB, but
could be interesting provide it for testing and development purpose,
isn't it?

For example, the Tracker's problems indexing text files could be checked
and hopefully fixed using the same test case (I don't have 10,000 text

Cheers, Luca.

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