Re: [Tracker] [Fwd: Re: Build failure in po]

Jamie McCracken wrote:
Jamie McCracken wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Build failure in po
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:36:36 +0000
From: Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>
To: Michael Biebl <mbiebl gmail com>
References: <45B89FFD 1050407 blueyonder co uk> <aa76cdac0701250430m293ce175k10337759741c0668 mail gmail com>
Michael Biebl wrote:
2007/1/25, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:

I get

intltoolize: 'po/' is out of date: use '--force' to overwrite
when running from fresh checkout

anyone got any ideas?

Can't reproduce your problem. Running ./ on a clean checkout
works fine here.

You could check /usr/bin/ Mine rune INTLTOOLIZE with
the --force and --copy parameter.
Do you by chance have a modified copy of somewhere
else, ~/bin, /usr/local/bin?

well the funny thing is an anonymous check out works but as soon as I
get one with my account name it fails (my exisitng svn repository is
screwed - I get checksum failed on a file when I try and commit so have
to checkout a new tree)


the above has --force

both anonymous and jamimcc account checked out at revision 430 so I cant 
explain the difference
more weirdness - If I do :

1) rm -rf Hacking/tracker

2) checkout to Hacking/tracker then that po/ error happens

however if I check out to any other directory (like Hacking/svn/tracker) it works fine!
Does it look in the parent directory or something?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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