Re: [Tracker] About the tag ability of tracker

But only if the program use tracker as metadabase. Otherwise there is no
way to integrate the two. isn't it?
Correct. For a brand new app that would be a good project for a
starting developer to add tracker support to check out Referencer [1].

Also, another great place for desktop integration is in the
gtk.Filechooser. Anyone want to hack on this? It would be cool to be
able to add/remove tags when a document is saved.....

yeah... The possibility to tag from the nautilus should be one of the
killer integration of tracker. :))
I agree. I hope the nautilus hacking doesnt take too long, and that I
do it in such a way that it has a > 0% chance of being included

What happen if the nautilus is compiled with tracker and beagle support?
Which one is used as search engine?
According to [2] because tracker autostarts on DBus and Beagle doesnt
then it depends. If beagle is running it uses that, if not then it
uses tracker.


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