Re: [Tracker] manual pages

2007/7/18, Marcus Fritzsch <fritschy googlemail com>:
As Jamie wants to release, I took a look at the man pages. Is there
any policy on how they should be handled?!

I now 'fixed' up the trackerd.1 manual, following the suggestions and
guidelines of man-pages(7) - as this is the first time I write/fix a
manual, please comment!
Most users that have tracker installed, won't have beagle on their
system, so I wouldn't include beagle in the SEE ALSO list. Just seems
a bit odd to include beagle there...

I also wouldn't include dbus-daemon/dbus-launch in the SEE ALSO list
(you already reference dbus-daemon in NOTES). dbus-launch is also not
necessarily installed (e.g. if your dbus-daemon is autostarted by

As a last point, tracker.cfg (5) is not (yet) written.
So we should either write a tracker.cfg manpage or remove the
tracker.cfg (5) reference from FILES. I of course would welcome the
former ;-)


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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