Re: [Tracker] Many fixes

Le dimanche 22 juillet 2007 Ã 14:51 +0100, jamie a Ãcrit :
On Sun, 2007-07-22 at 15:32 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
2007/7/22, jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:
can you pls do a valgrind -v trackerd

memory corruption is obviously happening somewhere and only valgrind can
tell us where
Attached. HTH.


I have reverted laurents changes to set language and get default

can you retest with latest svn

Hum... I only changed some "tracker_log()" and cosmetic things like
"i=0" => "i = 0"...

In tracker-utils.c :

        char *stem_language;

        /* set default language */
        stem_language = "english";

        if (language) {
                int i;

                for (i = 0; tmap[i].lang; i++) {
                        if ((strcasecmp (tmap[i].lang, language) == 0)) {
                                stem_language = tmap[i].name;

stem_language is set to "english" and I think stem_language is
statically allocated for 7 bytes. What would happen with "portuguese" in
tmp[i].name for instance?!

I'm not sure its the culprit of Michael's bug but I'm not really happy
with this code.


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