[Tracker] Announce: PaperBox 0.1


I am very happy to announce the first ever release of PaperBox!

PaperBox is a metadata-driven document browser.

It is based on Tracker, desktop indexer and metadata store. It is able
to retrieve information about all the documents present on your desktop,
and presents them in a convenient way. It lets you organize your
documents by tags, which are shared across all Tracker-based

See a screenshot at

Thanks to lovely translators, PaperBox is already available in no less
than eight languages:

- Albanian   (sq): Laurent Dhima
- Arabic     (ar): Djihed Afifi
- Catalan    (ca): Gil Forcada
- Galician   (gl): Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
- Macedonian (mk): Arangel Angov
- Serbian    (sr): developer
- Spanish    (es): Jorge GonzÃlez
- Swedish    (sv): Daniel Nylander


Tarballs are available at

Source code is in GNOME svn

Library requirements

* boost C++ libraries
* tracker 0.6
* dbus-glib
* gio-standalone - optional
* gtkmm, libgthread, libglademm, libgnomeui
* gtkmm-utils 0.3
* goocanvas 0.9

Web site

Project web site is currently at http://live.gnome.org/PaperBox

A module in GNOME bugzilla will be available soon.

GimpNet and Freenode: markoa

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