Re: [Tracker] Announce: Nemo 0.1

On 29/11/2007, Anders Rune Jensen <anders iola dk> wrote:
On Nov 29, 2007 8:22 PM, Sascha Heid <saschaheid gmail com> wrote:
> > If I do some searches from
> > Nemo I see a bunch of results in the terminal window, but nothing in the
> > GUI.
> Same here using the deb for gibbon.
> I can see the results from trackerd (runs verbose in a terminal) but
> Nemo does not show any files at all.

Thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it! Especially given the
alpha nature of this release :-)

Since we in Nemo show all files within a given date range by default,
we have chosen to limit the types of files we show. Also to make it
easier finding the files you are looking for by removing all the cruft
you don't care about anyway :-) So that's why there might be search
results from tracker that will not show up. You can change what
filetypes Nemo will index in ~/.nemo/configuration.xml.

Another reason is that the query interfaces for tracker atm. is
somewhat limited. Like we can't say what mime-types we are interested
in, so we need to fetch more results from tracker than we can show and
then filter those based on what is in our local database. The
migration to Xesam will fix this, right Mikkel? :-)

You bet it will. The world will be 10-20% more happy once Xesam 1.0 goes stable and Tracker (and others! Jos, Joe, Fabrice?) implements it.

Xesam 1.0 RC 2 is not very far off, and I expect that to be more extremely close, if not *the*, 1.0 release.

I assume that you use the metadata storage capabilities of Tracker too. This means that Xesam 1.0 will not fullfill all your needs (eg tagging), but we will be pusing towards the metadata management part of Xesam shortly after 1.0. Getting from 1.0 to the next Xesam versions should be a lot easier than getting to 1.0[1].


[1]: Except for agreeing on an ontology serialization format, but that is actually of interest only to very few.

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