Re: [Tracker] some problems in v0.6.2

On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 17:48 +0000, yelo_3 wrote:
While testing 0.6.2 I noticed those problems, some of them were for sure in previous versions too:

1) I created *through gedit* a txt file whose content is "testing tracker 0.6.2". the content is not 
indexed: when searching for one of/all the words the results do not contain this file (instead it works if 
I search for the filename).  Changing the content still has no effect. This does not happen if I use *vim*, 
but this happens if I edit with vim the file previously created by gedit.
2) tracker remembers the old names of the file: for instance if you create a file named "test1" and then 
you rename it to "renamed" and you search for test1, among the results you'll have "renamed" and you can 
continue to rename the file again! Is this a wanted behavior?
2a) the same for file content when changed/removed (not valid if you delete the file and create one with 
the same filename)
3) I indexed ~/Documenti but I also added to NoWatchDirectory ~/Documenti/Dati. Unfortunately tracke 
indexes this diectory
3a) the same for NoIndexFileTypes
4) deleted files are not removed from the index (and so the hit count of tracker-preferences is wrong)
5) in the search result preview it is not highlighted the correct part: for instance I have a file which 
contains the work "#program" and if I search for this word, in the results another word gets highlighted, 
which is "programs", maybe because tracker finds it before "#program". I really think that tracker *must* 
distinguish an exact match from a similar match, and put exact matches in the beginning of the results (and 
of course highlight the exact match, if any)

Let's hope I won't find other problems!

thanks for the bug reports - we will attend to these soon

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