Re: [Tracker] [python] Search over DBus

Il giorno mar, 18/09/2007 alle 12.18 +0200, Federico Pelloni ha scritto:
Hi all,
I was wondering if there is any reference on how to use Tracker with 

What I'm doing right now is:

print self._tracker_files.GetByServiceType(-1, "Music", 0, 20)

but this always results in:

dbus.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method
"GetByServiceType" with signature "isii" on interface
"org.freedesktop.Tracker.Files" doesn't exist

But I can't understand why. I looked at the tracker deskbar-handler
for example and I saw it passes "reply_handler" and "error_handler"
parameters to dbus call, but if I do the same I get nothing at all,
no errors nor results.

Thank you all in advance,
Ok, solved on IRC.
It was a silly case mistake. /org/freedesktop/Tracker instead of
/org/freedesktop/tracker - and nothing warned me about that. Cool!

Anyway, thank you all

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