Re: [Tracker] tracker 0.6.3 problems I found

please run tracker-extract abc.mp3 audio/mpeg

to check if there is metadata  for Audio:TrackerPeakGain

I  run it on solaris,  can not reproduce it.

but solaris has fluendo mp3 plugins for gstreamer, I dont know whether your system has another mp3 plugin, such as mad.

yelo_3 wrote:
Yes, I have gstreamer installed!

--- jerry tan <Jerry Tan Sun COM> ha scritto:

yelo_3 wrote:
I've tried to remove
.local/share/tracker/common.db (I
also removed every other tracker file) and after
restarting tracker the error during index process
still present
This time I did it with more verbosity, and it is
actually caused by all mp3 files

"mime is audio/mpeg for
/media/Dati/yelo3/Music/Elio E
Le Storie Tese/Tutti Gli Uomini Del Deficiente/05
Me you Love Me.mp3
Indexing /media/Dati/yelo3/Music/Elio E Le Storie
Tese/Tutti Gli Uomini Del Deficiente/05 Tell Me
Love Me.mp3 with service Music and mime audio/mpeg
ERROR: metadata Audio:TrackPeakGain not found"

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I just check audio.metadata, there is no definition
for Audio:TrackerPeakGain.
but there is several ways to extract meta data from
mp3 file.

do you have gstreamer installed, if it is , it will
use gstreamer library to extract meta data.

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