Re: [Tracker] Alternate word search with "OR"

Thanks for your patch about the OR. I tried the patch and got some error patching the file.
My basiline src is the tracker-0.6.6. Just for curiosity, is this patch already included?
Attached is the patch error.


----- Original Message ----
From: Tshepang Lekhonkhobe <tshepang gmaihel com>
To: Jin Suh <jinssuh yahoo com>
Cc: tracker-list gnome org
Sent: Saturday, April 5, 2008 2:36:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Alternate word search with "OR"

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 9:15 PM, Jin Suh <jinssuh yahoo com> wrote:

 I have a question for you gurus about the tracker.

 I have 3 search terms such as "text", "document", and "setting". I want to search one or more of
 these words.

 When I entered a word "text" (without quote) in the search entry, I got 244 results.
 With "document", 64
 With "setting", 49
 When I did "text OR document", 52
 When I did "text OR document OR setting", I got 26 but I expected more results.
 Both "text document setting" and "text, document, setting" are 26 same results as above with "OR".

 Could someone explain to me why? How could I do to search with "OR" (one or more words, alternate
 words) like google?
OR is not yet supported (so everything is treated as AND), but this
link got a patch (which I haven't tested):

my place on the web:

Attachment: patch.error
Description: Binary data

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