Re: [Tracker] Ready for merge

Martyn Russell wrote:
Laurent Aguerreche wrote:
Hi :)

There might be some tweaking that is needed. I personally don't see this
issue and my machine is not state of the art. I notice it is running,
when I am playing games or really loading my system, but it is no worse
than the old tracker was AFAICR.

Do you intend to fix these issues before the merge (notably the second
I have to say, after replying to your mail I decided to test this again.
It appears it is the crawling itself which is destroying the machine.
The indexing is fine. The problem with the crawling is. It is cached the
more times you do it. Also, sometimes I have found the machine is
responsive, others, not.

Tomorrow I will look into adding some sort of throttle to the crawler so
it doesn't sit there and make your machine useless for 3 minutes.
Phillip has a patch we can try for this. There are other means we use in
the indexer too which I will play with.


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