Re: [Tracker] MB Metadata not indexed?

On Fri, 2008-02-15 at 11:16 +0100, Piotr Gaczkowski wrote:
Dnia 14-02-2008, Cz o godzinie 00:08 -0500, Jamie McCracken pisze:
On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 22:18 +0100, Piotr Gaczkowski wrote:

I wanted to  cook up a tiny script using Tracker and MusicBrainz that
would list only tracks, which are covers. However Tracker doesn't seem
to have the MusicBrainz metadata, like Audio:MBTrackID.

Why is so?

we would like to get coverart, lyrics and musicbrainz stuff for all
music files in a future version of tracker. 
Right. But I don't talk about metadata available online, but those that
are available in files themselves - my FLACs and whatnots have all the
MB meta in place, soindexing them is as simple as indexing artist or
title tags.

Yet titles and so on are indexed, while track IDs and other MB-related stuff aren't. And that's what 
bothers me.

well do they have standard MB metadata names?

If there is no standard naming convention then we cant really extract
this stuff


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