Re: [Tracker] Tracker and upcoming glib/gio: file monitoring

Il giorno lun, 07/01/2008 alle 17.51 +0100, Luca Ferretti ha scritto:

PS maybe there are other GIO features that tracker can use, just use
your imagination :-)
<forgot to add this note, sorry>

For example:
      * the ability to get info from files such as name, size, mdate,
        content type[*] (bye-bye custom copy of xdgmime)
      * the ability to manage external drives and volumes (welcome
        searches in my backup DVD discs)

[*] from GIO api refs: "A content type is a platform specific string
that defines the type of a file. On unix it is a mime type, on win32 it
is an extension string like ".doc", ".txt" or a percieved string like
"audio". Such strings can be looked up in the registry at

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