Re: [Tracker] Database access abstraction

El lun, 03-11-2008 a las 12:46 +0100, ext JÃrg Billeter escribiÃ:
On Sat, 2008-11-01 at 01:11 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote:

- tracker_data_query_file_get_id(), in all cases, "uri" should be
changed to "path". Right now we don't support URI properly. We support
paths. These two were interchanged a lot in the old code and we have
tried to reduce that as much as possible.
Yes, also noticed this, makes sense to change everything to path if uri
is not supported atm.
 The plan is to support URIs. We need URIs to talk about virtual files
inside tracker or resources that are not in the filesystem. 

 I agree with the other comments.


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