Re: [Tracker] status of 0.6.90?

Jamie McCracken wrote:
One question I have is, do we really need the "enabled" column if it
only pertains to the Volumes table - can we not just have 1 column and 1
row in the Volumes table for "enabled" and do some nice SQL to know if
content is enabled based on purely the auxiliary ID in the Services
table. Or is the "enabled" column needed for other things.
for performance reasons and to simplify queries, the enabled column is a
I don't think simplifying the queries holds any water. Speed should
always be the most important consideration right?

well yes and doing a join against volume table would slow down searches
(by how much I am not sure)
Yes, I think that's a good point and JOINs really slow things down

I would prefer keeping enabled in case other use cases for it crops up
as well 

its very easy to update (update services set enabled = 1 where
AuxiliaryID = blah)
Updating (say 2000) MP3 items in a table of thousands to set them from
enabled = 0 to enabled = 1 should not be faster than setting 1 column in
1 row in a table of maybe 10 entries surely?
well that is only done when mounting/unmounting so frequency is very
low. If the mounted path is changed then you will have a big hit here in
any event.

I believe AuxilaryID is indexed so updating should be fast

searches on the other hand are more likely to be much more frequent

As for lookups, I am not entirely sure, but I would think if the SQL
query was constructed properly it should be as fast to check with the
Volumes table if the AuxiliaryID is enabled.
it would still be a hit as you are joining against another table

It doesn't feel truly relational to have an AuxiliaryID and an Enabled
field. Is the Enabled field used for anything else other than this right

its not used at all currently but there may be use cases where you want
to temporarily disable certain search hits - EG you might want to hide a
particular file from searches which you cant currently do as we only
exclude patterns or directories atm int he indexing
Fair enough.

This sort of thing needs documenting at I think. I feels like there are
a lot of fields in the Services table which are unused. This must impact

Also I notice we have a lot of SELECT DISTINCT SQL statements where the
WHERE clause is the ID - which is unique - doesn't that negate the whole
point of DISTINCT and just slow down the statement?

distinct wont slow it down if only one row is ever returned but yeah
wont do any harm to remove distinct in those cases
I was under the impression it does even if there is only 1 entry. I have
removed it now. I guess it depends on if the distinction is done before
or after all entries matching the WHERE clause is done.


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