Re: [Tracker] [tracker-indexer] Wrong UID with MAP mails


Le jeudi 18 septembre 2008 Ã 09:34 +0100, Martyn Russell a Ãcrit :
Laurent Aguerreche wrote:

in tracker-indexer.log, I only see "(null)" as UID for each IMAP email.
So I ran tracker-indexer under GDB and I found that UIDs were never
correctly set in get_metadata_for_imap() (in evolution.c) even after the
call to read_summary(). For instance, this is a UDI I obtain in
get_metadata_for_imap() :

(gdb) print uid
$29 = (gchar *) 0x7fc48fcb7790 "\016C\2021ï\bbï"
Thanks for spotting this Laurent.
Carlos is probably the best person to look into this. But if you have
time to knock up a patch, that would be even better! :)
So here a patch!

First, sizeof(time_t) == 8 but sizeof(gint32) == 4, so a time_t variable
can't be treated as a gint32 one on a 64 bits system.
Second, I think that imap summary header wasn't correctly parsed, I
added back some code from trunk.
Third, it seems normal that I see "(null)" as uid for lines like :

(tracker-indexer:8744): Tracker-DEBUG: Updating item
'email://1215617975 4227 21 dohko//INBOX;uid=(null)'

(humm, is it possible to remove the double slashes and have just one?)

And about tracker-applet.c, please apply this patch :

--- tracker-applet.c    (rÃvision 2258)
+++ tracker-applet.c    (copie de travail)
@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@
        priv->keyfile = NULL;
        priv->filename = g_build_filename (g_get_user_config_dir (),
-                                          "tracker"
+                                          "tracker",

or I can commit...


Attachment: patch-fix-imap-summary-parsing-evolution.diff
Description: Text Data

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Description: Ceci est une partie de message =?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e?=

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