Re: [Tracker] Merging the indexer-split branch to TRUNK

Michael Biebl wrote:
2008/9/25 Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com>:
Well, sure that's what the documentation says. But we don't do that for
any other variable we use and they work fine for me when using make
distcheck and when building debian packages. Probably because they set
the environment variable and automake sorts out the magic.
Yep, DESTDIR support is automatically added for the default install rules.

If you are writing your own install hooks, you have to add DESTDIR
support yourself
Up until now, we haven't used a dir variable in a install hook.

Just google for "DESTDIR install hook"
Gah, OK. Thanks for letting us know. I thought it applied to all places.


I am adding the message.
Indepedent from that, DESTDIR support should be added.


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