Re: [Tracker] tracker-extract greedy

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:51, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe<tshepang gmail com> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 16:11, Martyn Russell<martyn lanedo com> wrote:
On 02/11/09 13:01, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:

Anyone noticed how memory hungry the extractor tends to get (top
claims it's upwards of 300MB). I've set MaxWordsToIndex=1000000 and I
wonder if that makes a difference. I don't know how put this under
valgrind so I can have something for you guys.
Doesn't sound normal.

We should investigate this.
still happens; how can I put it under valgrind since it dies all the time?
I noticed that when I get MaxWordsToIndex=10000 (default) -extract
ain't that greedy no more but it still does leak:

==4129== LEAK SUMMARY:
==4129==    definitely lost: 41,407 bytes in 721 blocks
==4129==    indirectly lost: 78,241,757 bytes in 684,361 blocks
==4129==      possibly lost: 26,034,765 bytes in 197,778 blocks
==4129==    still reachable: 1,797,604 bytes in 35,328 blocks
==4129==         suppressed: 27,868 bytes in 612 blocks

Pls find attached.

my place on the web:

Attachment: valgrind-TE.log.7z
Description: application/7z-compressed

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