Re: [Tracker] a little bit of feedback

2009/11/23 Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>:
On 22/11/09 18:01, Tomi N/A wrote:
before the next batch of files is sent from trackerd->tracker-indexer. This
is a design flaw really and this whole scenario is greatly improved in 0.7.
Glad to hear that!

tracker has /my/test/folder/myfile.ods in it's index and is able to
find it if I search for "myfil", but can't find anything with
"folder": is this the expected behaviour?
Folder should be found. How are you searching? Does tracker-search show it?
I haven't compared results using the CLI tool and the deskbar applet
search, but now that you mention it, it sounds like a good way to
check if it's a problem with tracker, the deskbar applet or the
tracker plugin. All I can say at the moment is that I've definitely
observed the above behaviour.


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